It Is The Little Things That Make A Big Difference
There was a man taking a morning wa lk at or the beach. He saw that along with the morning tide came hundreds of starfis...
How Would You Like To Be Remembered?
About a hundred years ago, a man looked at the morning newspaper and to his surprise and horror, read his name in the ob...
Meaningless Goals
A farmer had a dog who used to sit by the roadside waiting for vehicles to come around. As soon as one came he would run...
Smart Goals
If you ask most people what is their one major objective in life, they would probably give you a vague answer, such as, ...
Why Are Goals Important? - Must Read
On the best sunny day, the most powerful magnifying glass will not light paper if you keep moving the glass. But if you ...
Finding Happiness
Once a group of 50 people was attending a seminar.Suddenly the speaker stopped and started giving each person a balloo...
The Three Races
In old times, fable retells the story of the young athletic boy hungry for success, for whom winning was everything and ...
Coffee On The Wall
I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in a neighboring town of Venice, Italy, the city of lights and water....
The Dark Candle
A man had a little daughter, an only and much beloved child. He lived only for her, she was his life. So when she became...
The Gift Of Forgiveness – Christmas Story
The Christmas of 1949 we didn’t have a tree. My dad had as much pride as anybody, I suppose, so he wouldn’t just say tha...
The Tale Of Two Pebbles
Many years ago in a small Indian village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneyle...
Soar Like An Eagle
Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks?The eagle will fly to some high spo...