Take As Much As You Can Hold
Once a boy found a jar lying by the way-side. It had a narrow-neck and was full of peanuts. Seeing the peanuts the boy's...
Take As Much As You Can Hold
Once a boy found a jar lying by the way-side. It had a narrow-neck and was full of peanuts. Seeing the peanuts the boy's mouth started watering. So, he put his hand into the jar and held as many peanuts as his hand could grasp. But when he pulled it out, he couldn't do so. So, he felt disappointed and started crying.
A man was looking at the boy from a distance. He came to the boy and said, "Don't be greedy. Be satisfied with half the nuts at one time. You will be able to get your hand out. You can have more with a second trial." The boy acted as the man said and was happy to get the nuts. He thanked the man and went away.