Hurricane Hilda Frolics With Fairies
Hurricane Hilda’s tooth was getting wigglier and wigglier. She had been crunching on raw carrots, munching on juicy apples and lunching on crusty bread for over a week, trying to make that tooth fall out! Hurricane Hilda was looking forward to putting her tooth under her pillow in a special silver box and having her first visit from The Tooth Fairy…
Now it was Hurricane Hilda’s first day at real school, and she was so busy learning her way around and making friends in Miss Scott’s class, that she almost forgot about her wobbly tooth. Until snack time, that is, when she ate a spoonful of soft apricot yoghurt… and found something small and hard in it! Hurricane Hilda’s tooth was out at last and she hurried to tell her teacher the exciting news.
Miss Scott wrapped the tooth in a piece of white tissue paper and said she would keep it safe on her desk until it was time for Hurricane Hilda to take it home. But when the home bell rang, Miss Scott could not find the tissue paper or the tooth anywhere. Hurricane Hilda helped look all over Miss Scott’s desk, in the drawers, and even in the wastepaper bin, but there was no sign of Hurricane Hilda’s tooth. Miss Scott said she was very sorry. On the way home, Hurricane Hilda explained to Mummy that her tooth had fallen out and gone missing somewhere in the classroom.
That night Hurricane Hilda was very sad that she had no tooth to put in the silver box for The Tooth Fairy to collect from under her pillow and exchange for some coins. Mummy told Hurricane Hilda not to worry, as they would take extra good care of the next tooth that fell out. So Hurricane Hilda snuggled down to sleep and dreamed of The Tooth Fairy.
When she woke the next morning, Hurricane Hilda was surprised to find under her pillow a pearly white envelope with her name on the front in sparkly silver handwriting. When she opened it, a handful of silver coins fell out onto the bed. Also in the envelope was a piece of notepaper with more magical silver writing, which made Hurricane Hilda tingle with happiness!
Dear Hurricane Hilda,
Tell your teacher I took your tooth,
And fluttered in the sky,
Here are some pennies for your purse,
I’ll be back by and by!
Love from
Pearl - Your Tooth Fairy
Hurricane Hilda knew all about the Tidy Fairies. Mummy had explained that every night after Hurricane Hilda had gone to bed, the Tidy Fairies would magically clean and tidy the whole house...
Wanda the Washing-up Fairy would do the dishes. Tilda the Toilet Roll Fairy would replace empty loo rolls and clean the bathroom. About once a week Dora the Dusting Fairy would whiz round with her feather duster and cloths chasing away cobwebs and polishing tables, windows and mirrors.
And before Hurricane Hilda woke each morning, Brenda the Bed-making Fairy would fix Mummy’s bed, Linda the Laundry Fairy would put all the dirty washing in the machine, and Glenda the Gardening Fairy would open the patio doors and wake up all the flowers. Sometimes, Hurricane Hilda woke up just as Vera the Vacuuming Fairy vanished from downstairs…
One day, Hurricane Hilda was surprised to find that the Tidy Fairies had not been to visit, and the house was in quite a mess! Hurricane Hilda’s Mummy was in bed sick with the ‘flu and she explained that the Tidy Fairies had gone on strike because they needed extra help. Hurricane Hilda had always wanted to be a fairy, and this was her big chance!
Hurricane Hilda dashed off to put on her fairy costume and wings, and began waving her magic wand. First she fluttered into the kitchen to pour a glass of orange juice and butter a pancake for Mummy’s breakfast. Then she flitted all around the house, proudly doing the jobs of the Tidy Fairies all by herself.
The next day Hurricane Hilda was excited to wake up to the sound of Vera the Vacuuming Fairy! Hurricane Hilda rushed downstairs to find Mummy dressed and smiling, cooking scrambled eggs on toast in the kitchen. Mummy gave Hurricane Hilda a big hug and pointed to a pink envelope on the table, addressed to Hurricane Hilda in glittering gold handwriting. The golden words on the letter inside made Hurricane Hilda feel like she was floating on air, just like a real fairy!
Dear Hurricane Hilda,
We’re sorry that we left a mess,
And if we caused you any stress,
Thank you for doing Mummy proud,
“Hilda the Helper Fairy” joins our crowd!
Love from
Wanda, Tilda, Dora, Brenda, Linda, Glenda & Vera
The Tidy Fairies
Hurricane Hilda watched through the window in wonder as snowflakes sifted silently from the sky and settled on the sparkling snowscape. She felt very Christmassy as she returned to the glowing hearth inside and to her job of decorating the tree. The spruce was already bedecked with shiny tinsel, glittering baubles, twinkling fairy lights and a host of handmade decorations.
At last Hurricane Hilda reached for Mary, the Christmas Fairy, whom Mummy had placed on top of the tree ever since she herself was a little girl. Mary had given joy to many children over the years, as she listened to them singing carols and watched them opening gifts.
Unfortunately Mary had been packed away and unpacked so many times that she had lost all her sparkle: her golden dress was ragged, her silvery wings were droopy, her wand was bent, and all that remained of her flowing golden hair were a few strands at the back. “Yikes! Scary Mary!” laughed Hurricane Hilda, as she handed the fairy to Mummy to finish the top of the tree.
Hurricane Hilda hugged Mummy and they sang “Oh! Christmas Tree” together, as they did every year, while they made their special Christmas wishes. Hurricane Hilda wished for a real fairy, and Mummy wished for magic on Christmas Day.
Hurricane Hilda spent the last few days building a snowman, wrapping presents, and helping to make a Christmas pudding. At last it was Christmas Eve and, after hanging her stocking by the fire, Hurricane Hilda was sure she heard the sound of sleigh bells as she drifted off to sleep…
As soon as her eyes popped open on Christmas morning, Hurricane Hilda dashed downstairs. She gasped excitedly at her stocking bulging with goodies, and gazed in awe at the mosaic of shimmering paper and bows containing surprises under the tree.
But what was this? A glimmering Christmas card sat in the middle of the room attached to a golden ribbon. Hurricane Hilda’s eyes followed the ribbon across the room up to the top of the tree where it was tied to Scary Mary’s magic wand. But to Hurricane Hilda’s amazement, the fairy no longer looked like Scary Mary! The pretty face was unmistakeably Mary, but her dress and wings were now glistening with gold and silver sequins, her wand was straight and glittering, and most gorgeous of all was a bejewelled crown holding in place a mane of thick golden hair!
“Our Christmas wishes came true!” exclaimed Hurricane Hilda, as she read the card attached to the golden ribbon:
Dear Hurricane Hilda,
I was getting bald and tatty,
Looking rather scary,
But thanks to your magical Christmas wishes,
I’m beautiful… and hairy!
Merry Christmas!
Love from
Hairy Mary - The Christmas Fairy